Submitted by Masters Racer Sharon Chadwick….
The Ontario Masters’ Championships were held at Osler Bluff Ski Club on Sunday, 11 March 2018, by running the GS and slalom races back to back. As always, OSBC hosted an excellent event in perfect weather and conditions! A big THANK YOU goes out to the ROC, crew and volunteers for a great day of racing.
There were 63 racers on the start list for the GS race and 58 on the start list for the SL race; across 4 age categories for women and 9 age categories for men. The oldest age group was 70 – 74 for women and 75 – 79 for men, and the youngest was 45 – 49 for women and 18 – 29 for men; including 6 racers from QC.
The Masters continue to be very competitive, at all age levels, with the following having the fastest times of the day:
F60-64 ESSON Andrea (Osler) 72.21 (GS) 72.44 (SL) 144.65 (Overall)
F55-59 EAST Patti (Osler) 76.26 (GS) 79.67 (SL) 155.93 (Overall)
F55-59 KOFFLER-BOYMAN Tiana (Craigleith) 75.25 (GS) 85.17 (SL) 160.42 (Overall)
M35-39 MILLER William (Osler) 64.87 (GS) 64.31 (SL) 129.18 (Overall)
M60-64 ROBBINS Mike (Osler) 68.20 (GS) 65.78 (SL) 133.98 (Overall)
M45-49 FURSE Rob (Georgian Peaks) 68.12 (GS) 67.56 (SL) 135.68 (Overall)