Home 9 I’m an Athlete 9 Fitness Combine – Testing

Alpine Ontario encourages all its skiers to focus on fitness year-round to stay strong and injury-free during the winter months. Even skiers as young as 8 can benefit from spring and fall fitness testing to set goals and identify movement patterns. For those in the U14 and U16 OCUP program, each athlete must submit a dated (between Sept 1-Dec 31) fitness testing record to AOA by Dec 31, 2023, to admin@alpineontario.ca

Athletes who do not do this cannot participate in OCUP races, including the OCUP Finals.

This testing can be done with your Division, Ski Club, Gym and/or school. Please ask your coach where your team will be doing the testing.

For full details on the ACA Fitness combine including audio and video resources click here.

  • Testing Protocol can be downloaded here
  • Registration and Results Reporting Protocol “How To Guide” can be downloaded here 

Please review the testing protocol as AOA has moved to using the new Alpine Canada Fitness Combine.