Home 9 About AOA 9 Board of Directors


The Alpine Ontario Executive Director reports to a volunteer Board of Directors made of experienced professionals in a variety of fields. The Directors meet once a month as a group. Nominations to join the AOA Board of Directors are accepted once a year through the Alpine Ontario governance committee. A Director’s term is three years, however, they are eligible to be elected to serve a second term.

Thank you to the following AOA members for their time and dedication in leading the organization. Please contact AOA Member Services should you wish to reach any of the members of the Board at memberservices@alpineontario.ca


Linsey Ferguson  Chair 
Stephanie Warner  Vice Chair, Fundraising Committee 
Brian Silveira  NCD Representative, Governance Committee 
Channing Huang  SOD Representative 
Dave Bradley  LSDA Representative 
John Prosperi  Finance Committee 
Bob Real NOD Representative
Doug Milne  Partner Rep, Marketing Committee 
Carolyn Lawrence Director at Large
David Wasserman  Treasurer 
Charles Powell  Legal