I need to concede, right from the outset, that I am not a very good skier. I need to do that because some of the people who read Raceline have seen me ski and have tried to teach me. They are good skiers. My children, however, are good skiers. In large measure,...
Hello All, Writing to you from a snowy day here in Collingwood at the AOA offices. This is my third season with the Ontario Ski Team, but with the world being what it has been over the last three seasons, we thought it was time for me to say hello! I am an Ontario...
Kip Harrington has lived most of his life on ski hills. Growing up in a ski racing family in Sault Ste. Marie, the winters were long and the snow was plentiful. Like most Canadians, he dipped his toes into the hockey pool amongst many other sports, but the skiing bug...
The Ontario Ski Team (OST) has remained hard at work from the close of the 2021 competitive season through to the present. As with anything in 2021, there are headwinds and challenges. OST coaches Cam Stephen and Cam McKenzie have kept the team strong by maintaining...
Nathalene Hagar got hooked on skiing as a student while she was in Calgary on a four month co-op term. Paskapoo Ski Hill (now known as Canada Olympic Park) had an amazing 10-day package for $100 which included everything from bus to the hill, rentals, lift tickets and...